Red Granite Large Cap Growth


The Red Granite Large Cap Growth strategy uses a fundamental, bottom-up approach is designed to identify the most attractive, high-quality portfolio investments. The goal of the strategy is to outperform the Russell 1000 Growth index over a market cycle with reduced risk and less volatility. We seek to own companies with strong, competitive positions and proven, sustainable business models for growth.

Investment Objectives

  • Outperform the benchmark over a market cycle with reduced risk and less volatility
  • Own attractively valued companies with,
    • Strong competitive positions
    • Proven and sustainable business models for growth

Portfolio Management

Joel Vrabel, CFA

Co-CIO — Red Granite Group,
Senior Portfolio Manager

 (414) 326-3203

David Drzadinski, CFA, CPA

Co-CIO - Red Granite Group
Senior Portfolio Manager

 (414) 326-3218

Richard Burling, CFA

Senior Portfolio Manager

 (414) 326-3208

Jeffrey Holmes, CFA

Senior Equity Analyst

 (414) 326-3209

Benjamin Solak

Equity Research Analyst

 (414) 326-4439

Zachary Newcomer, CFA

Portfolio Manager,
Senior Equity Analyst

 (414) 326-3207


Benchmark: Russell 1000 Growth
Inception Date: January 1, 1996


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